“I the aftermath of the homicide at 174 S. Tio assembled i City Coucil chambers Thursday after oo, Leighto detail ed his pla to peali pealize ze problem problem properti properties, es, their owers ad occupats by shuttig dow the places for si moths. With ke keyy offi officia cials ls i his admi admiis istr traa.

WI WILK LKESES-BA BARR RRE E - Alar Alarmed med by a icre icrease ase i vio viole lett crime, crime, May Mayor or Tom Leighto took aim at what he said was the source sour ce ad proposed proposed tough stada stadards rds for ladlo ladlord rdss ad teat teatss to aid i the fight agaist the “poiso” of drugs i the city’s eighborhoods. Mayor: 1 strike, you’re out Leighton’s ‘get tough’ plan to fght violent crime takes aim at problem properties JERRY LYNOTT LYNOTT

You say tomato festival, I say happy 30th!

Who wa Who watc tche hess th thee fshi fshies es swim sw im unde underr th thee se sea? a? Whyy, 50,0 Wh 50,000 00 people people do