You can also get this update from the Apple Support Downloads site.You might have unexpected results if third-party OS X modifications have been installed, or you modified OS X through other means.Don't interrupt the installation process after it has begun.Some updates become available only after installing another update. Use the Mac App Store to install this update and other available updates.

You can back up with Time Machine, for example.

Release improvements from Apple's Software Update utility.They could only be booted in Mac OS X 10.0.3 and could not run on Mac OS X 10.0.4 a direct upgrade to Mac OS X 10.1 or later was necessary. In East Asia, a copy of Mac OS X with major Asian languages, including Chinese and Korean, was released as 2Z CDs. The latest version of the Internet file transfer service (ftpd) also was included, featuring important security improvements. The Mac OS X 10.0.3 update brings CD burning support for iTunes (although this was a feature also seen in Mac OS X 10.0.2), and improves overall application stability. Released on May 9, 2001, Mac OS X 10.0.3 is the third version of Mac OS X 10.0 "Cheetah".